Navisphere U.S. Customs Analytics

Get a high-level overview of your customs activity along with a deeper SKU-level analysis of your customs spend.

Manage customs activity with ease

From managing compliance to mitigating import costs, simplify your customs activity with Navisphere® U.S. Customs Analytics.

With a combination of high-level overviews and deep SKU-level analysis, you can use it to assess carrier utilization to on-time entry performance when C.H. Robinson acts as your customs broker.

Uncover the true power of your customs data

Gain strategic insights into your customs spend, areas of compliance risk, and potential risk mitigation opportunities.

Aerial view of ocean shipping depicting consolidated customs data

Consolidated customs data

Stay on top of ever-changing trade policy and customs requirements with all your C.H. Robinson customs activity in one place. This single view offers the micro and macro viewpoints you need to act on strategic insights.

  • Fees
  • Duties
  • Entry volume
  • Total payable ratio
  • Total payable to CBP
  • Declared goods value
Shipping personnel viewing dynamic customs data

Dynamic data

Keep track of the various duties, taxes, and fees associated with the products you import. With data refreshed daily, you can easily monitor changes in near real-time and identify potential missed savings opportunities across your business. It’s never been easier to track spending across various areas:

  • Goods value
  • Customs landed costs
  • Normal trade relations (NTR) duty
  • Special program indicator (SPI) claim activity
  • Provisional duty, such as Section 301 China Tariff duty
  • Antidumping duty (ADD) and countervailing duty (CVD)
Laptop screen with customs KPI report

Key performance indicator reports

Set key performance indicator (KPIs) business goals and priorities. With easy-to-use dashboards that can include all your C.H. Robinson entry data—you can more easily assess important criteria like on-time entry performance and carrier utilization strategies.

  • Entry volumes
  • Carrier transit time
  • Percentage of transportation by various modes
  • Goods value by country of export and port of entry
  • Entry clearance timeliness according to the number of days pre and post arrival
Computer-generated display of potential customs and compliance risks

Clear view of potential risks

View up to five years of your customs activity history where C.H. Robinson handled the customs brokerage. The tool makes it easy to track organizational changes and compliance over time while calling out potential areas of compliance risk:

  • Products with multiple suppliers
  • Products with multiple countries of origin
  • Products with multiple tariff classifications
  • Suppliers with multiple relationships declared
  • Products with multiple SPI claims

Go further with Navisphere U.S. Customs Analytics

Take the next steps to managing your customs activity with ease. Our Trusted Advisor® experts are ready to help you get started.

Frequently asked questions


Q: Where is the data in U.S. Customs Analytics pulled from?

The data in the U.S. Customs Analytics tool comes from the customs platform that C.H. Robinson uses to submit your U.S. customs entries to U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) on your behalf. The tool can display up to five years of your historical customs data where C.H. Robinson has acted as the customs broker. 

The data is updated every 24 hours for near real-time visibility to your customs activity.

Q: Does C.H. Robinson charge for U.S. Customs Analytics?

No. For entries that were handled by C.H. Robinson, the tool is available in your Navisphere account at no additional cost. 

Q: Can I use U.S. Customs Analytics if C.H. Robinson does not move my freight?

Yes. If C.H. Robinson handles your customs brokerage, your company can use the tool no matter which provider moves your freight.

Q: Can I extract all my customs entry details from U.S. Customs Analytics?

Yes. Use the “Entry Line Details” page for line-level details of all entries declared within your selected timeframe. This data can be exported in just a few clicks.


Q: What is the “total payable” and how is the “payable ratio” calculated?

The “total payable” is the sum of the duties, taxes, and fees owed to CBP.

The “payable ratio” is the total payable divided by the merchandise value and helps show net change over time.

Q: What does the “focus period” represent?

The “focus period” is the most current period selected.

For example, if year-to-date (YTD) is selected on 11/11/2022, the focus period would display customs activity from 1/1/2022 through 11/11/2022, or the YTD results.

Q: What is the “customs landed cost” and how is it calculated?

The “customs landed cost” is the average cost paid per customs unit of measure for a product by supplier or country of origin. It shows where a specific product is potentially sourced for cheaper from certain suppliers or countries of origin.

This is calculated by adding the total duties, taxes, and fees payable to CBP, plus the merchandise value, and dividing that by the customs unit of measure.

Q: How is the “days out average” calculated?

This is the average number of days C.H. Robinson is submitting your entries prior to arrival at the customs entry port.

For example, a “-3.00” for Ocean transport means C.H. Robinson is clearing your entries approximately three days prior to arrival at the customs entry port.

Q: How is the “average transit time” calculated?

This is the average port-to-port transit time, broken out by mode of transport or carrier, from the port of export to the first port of arrival.

Q: How is on-time entry performance calculated?

An entry is considered timely if it is transmitted in accordance with your selected key performance indicator (KPI), either in days prior to or days after arrival at the port of entry. 

Both an average of how many days from arrival the entries are submitted as well as a rolling KPI trend line are displayed to show what percentage of your entries meet your desired on-time target.

Q: What signifies “pre-arrival” and “post-arrival” when selecting the number of days?

Selecting a number with a hyphen before it (-) signifies days prior to arrival to the customs entry port. 

Selecting a number with a plus before it (+) signifies days post arrival to the customs entry port. 

Selecting “0” reflects entries submitted on the day of arrival to the customs entry port.

Q: What is the meaning of origin? Is this where the goods were exported from?

As used within U.S. Customs Analytics, origin refers to CBP’s definition of the country of origin. At a very high-level, it is defined as “the country of manufacture, production, or growth of any article of foreign origin entering the United States.”


Q: Who do I contact with issues, questions, or feedback about U.S. Customs Analytics?

Please contact your C.H. Robinson representative with any questions or comments related to the U.S. Customs Analytics tool.