The Pros and Cons of Air Charter Service

Cargo being prepared for air charter service

On a personal level we’ve all thought about chartering a flight to some far off, exotic locale. Not having to deal with long lines, cramped leg room, and strangers in the next aisle over sounds like paradise, especially for people who fly often.

For many of us, this will only ever be wishful thinking because many times the negative aspects of flying via private plane outweigh the positives. However, that may not be the case when shipping your cargo.

The advantages of air charter service

In the right circumstances, air charter service can be a fast, flexible option that connects your supply chain to the capacity you need. When it comes to quickly getting what you want, when you want it, there is no service better than air charter for your cargo. Paying to use the entire plane means you get to make a lot of decisions like location and scheduling—allowing for timely, flexible deliveries.

You can also find capacity in tough situations with a charter. This is especially true when the transportation industry faces disruptions, whether they be natural catastrophes, strikes, or shortages. One great example is the COVID-19 pandemic and the severe uptick in demand for capacity around the globe.

The drawbacks to air charter service

The most apparent downside of air charter is typically the cost. While this challenge cannot be ignored entirely, there is a way to help mitigate the relatively large price tag. Although not well known, it is possible to procure a partial air charter.

Similar to an air consolidation option, you can pay for some space on a chartered plane rather than the entire thing. This is a good option for situations when you do not have enough freight to fill a plane, but still need capacity.

Another challenge is that securing an air charter can be extremely difficult without the right relationships. Large freight forwarders tend to have deeper relationships with airlines, allowing for more options and flexibility compared to their smaller competitors.

The solution is to work with a company that has the scale, capital, relationships, and knowledge to work with airlines, move planes, and resell space (especially for partial charter service) so you can deliver your products as planned.

What’s right for your company?

For 99% of the businesses out there, air charter service is not a permanent solution, but for some it may be a great resource to use when creating a nimble, adaptable supply chain.

If it sounds like the pros of air charter services may outweigh the cons for your organization’s needs (in at least some situations), connect with our experts to start developing a process today to use air charter service in the future. And remember, when all else fails, you can take to the air, on your terms.