Integrated solutions case study

Small forklift carrying produce.

Driving incremental dollar and volume sales with integrated services

Robinson Fresh is uniquely positioned to provide customers with the freshest products and the aligned, strategic supply chain solutions needed to best meet consumer demands.

Optimizing sales revenue is only possible when supply is available at the point of purchase – and to ensure this happens, replenishment activities are needed upstream. Replenishment into distribution locations ensures products are where they need to be, when and where they are needed. 

Retailer ABC was experiencing longer lead times on orders because they were not proactively moving inventories to geographically aligned distribution centers. Orders were being placed to suppliers across the country from the store location which was creating lead times of 5-7 days on average. 

By utilizing our Robinson Fresh replenishment services, retailer ABC has been able to decrease order lead times to 1-2 days on average. Our experts use data to identify demand trends and patterns for individual store locations and ensure products are moved to distribution centers close to where they are needed, when they are needed.

Additionally, retailer ABC was limited in their use of warehouse services – typically only utilizing these locations for storage. With expanded service options at warehouses, via Robinson Fresh’s network, retailer ABC can repack items in their private label brand upon receiving, which ensures product consistency across store locations.

Product consistency and quality is further supported by Robinson Fresh’s warehouse operations. First-in, first-out standard operation procedures ensure the freshest products are shipped to stores with the longest possible shelf life. Products not meeting retailer ABC’s specific standards, are removed before they reach stores which reduces labor at the store level and promotes consumer loyalty via consistent fresh, quality products.  

With the help of Robinson Fresh and our integrated supply chain services, this customer saw the following results:

  • Up 2pts of market share since the start of the Robinson Fresh category program 

  • Average dollars per period increased +$1.3M, with average growth rate doubling compared to pre-program periods

  • Average volume per period increased by +1.2M LBs, with average growth rate in the double-digits compared to single-digits pre-program



Category dollars graph for Robinson Fresh white paper



 Robinson Fresh graphic from white paper