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Insights to Action

Category market trends and consumer insights are the foundation for your success in fresh. We have the data you need to make better decisions.

Picnic table with produce, close up of someone cutting up bell peppers on a cutting board.

August 2023 - Insights to Action

Shopper holding a basket, looking at the produce on the shelf.

July 2023 - Insights to Action

A watermelon and pineapple wearing sunglasses with fun summer drinks next to them. Behind them are two small American flags.

June 2023 - Insights to Action

Close up of limes and avocadoes sitting on a cutting board.

May 2023 - Insights to Action

Two bunny stuff animals propped up against a pot with lettuce.

April 2023 - Insights to Action

Watermelon cut into slices.

March 2023 - Insights to Action

Heart made of strawberries.

February 2023 - Insights to Action

Smoothie, apple, and bowl of produce on counter with a laptop with a load bar on the screen.

January 2023 - Insights to Action

Woman holding a fork with a salad on it.

December 2022 - Insights to Action

Bowl of salad with hand putting fork into the salad.

November 2022 - Insights to Action

Stock image of vegetables stacked on each other.

October 2022 - Insights to Action

Child wearing glasses and holding produce.

September 2022 - Insights to Action

Woman's head filled with various vegetables.

August 2022 - Insights to action

A digital board with logos of shopping cart, copyright, etc.

Creating a seamless omnichannel experience to boost produce sales

Woman grabbing an apple from a pile of apples.

Today’s Hispanic consumer

A shelf a produce with the sign "Organic" above it.

Today’s organic consumer

A shelf of produce with the sign "Organic" over it.

Today’s organic consumer

A mother and son eating slices of watermelon together.

Drive more melon sales

Various fruits.

All about the tropical category

A person grabbing a grape vine out of a pile of grape vines.

Consumers grape purchase decisions

Bowls of salad sitting on a table.

Cooking greens