Market Rate IQ: Transparent pricing, improved service

Benchmark your market rates and find savings opportunities within Navisphere Insight.

Advanced market rate analysis

The transportation industry is evolving, and so must your spot freight strategy. You can now compare your rates to the market average, leveraging DAT's neutral market data and your existing shipment data. Then, using our information advantage, deconstruct your rates to see potential savings opportunities. Market Rate IQ™ makes it easier than ever to improve service for spot freight.

Pricing transparency

Compare your rates to the rest of the market. Greater transparency lets you know how each rate compares.

Identify savings opportunities with Market Rate IQ by C.H. Robinson

Identify savings opportunities

Discover the root causes of shipment rates to pinpoint solutions that save money.

Streamlined service

Simplify your procurement strategy by working with one provider for your spot freight, while gaining capacity assurance booking with the largest North American carrier network.

Create potential savings with market rate benchmarking and analysis

Benchmark your real-time market rates to DAT data

Find out if you’re paying more than the market average for similar transportation services. Leveraging DAT’s neutral market data and your existing shipment data, you can compare your price with the market average directly in Navisphere® Insight.

market rate iq market comparison
market rate iq pricing summary

Analyze rates using our information advantage

Find potential savings opportunities by examining and understanding how your rates stack up. Driven by our data and scale, Market Rate IQ identifies the root cause of rates differing from the market average—whether it’s too much or too little lead time, weekend shipping, high same-day volume, or other factors. Using our information advantage, Market Rate IQ helps pinpoint potential changes you can make to get more competitive pricing going forward.

What our customers say

Valmont transportation logo

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“Market Rate IQ gives us this window into our spot rates that just wasn’t possible before. We have confidence and assurance that we’re getting good rates, especially under market conditions no one has ever experienced. But it’s also so easy to see where adjusting our shipping strategy could add to our bottom line. We just started using the tool, and the potential for significant cost savings is already clear.”

Terry Laluk, Senior Director of Logistics
Valmont, a global provider of infrastructure for transit, utilities, agriculture, and other industries

Hear from shippers like you

See how ORBIS Corporation is benefiting from real-time rate reporting and analytics using Market Rate IQ.

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