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Immediate and delayed impacts from Red Sea and Panama Canal challenges

With recent alarming headlines, many global shippers are asking "Should I be preparing for supply chain chaos like I experienced in 2021-2022 again?" Many shippers based in North America are monitoring situations in the Red Sea and Panama Canal and wondering when and how this could affect their North America supply chain and 2024 transportation strategy. As a global transportation provider, C.H. Robinson can help navigate complex situations with the full picture. Our global teams have outlined short-term and long-term affects that shippers should be aware of when making decisions.

Short-term impacts (Q1) 
Ocean shipping

The situations in the Suez Canal and Panama Canal are having an impact on available capacity (supply), but low North America market demand is preventing a significant increase in overall ocean container prices. After an initial surge in spot pricing and additional surcharges based on original uncertainty with the Red Sea and Panama Canal crossings, ocean rates are showing signs of steadying and in some lanes slowly decreasing. Ocean carriers are increasing the chartering of vessels to help supplement the number of vessels needed to support the diversions. Carriers also seem to be managing rates in a manner to prevent a mass shift in volume to the West Coast, keeping existing capacity and networks intact. The daily number of vessels passing through the Panama Canal has decreased by one-third, from 36 historically down to 24 in mid-January. Recent rains allowed for a brief reprieve, but February bookings will be reduced to 18 per day. In response, some steamship lines are beginning to route freight across Central America via train where it is reloaded on vessels heading north to the Gulf and East Coasts of the U.S. to maintain an East Coast port strategy.

Outside of ocean container price fluctuations, the largest impact currently seems to be with transit times and delays in product arrival. These longer transit times have led to delays in repositioning empty containers in Asia, leading to an increase of new container equipment costs by over 20% in January. C.H. Robinson recommends creating contingency plans to ensure you have enough product on hand to allow for the additional transit time for ocean deliveries and considering if temporarily switching to air for critical deliveries is a need. Many U.S. shippers have inquired about international air conversion. Despite seeing some shift from ocean freight to air, pricing has not increased significantly for air freight, making it a viable option for time sensitive deliveries. C.H. Robinson offers service solutions for international modal conversions to meet customer demands.

U.S. ports and drayage

Some shippers are considering rerouting freight and building modal conversion contingency plans, should the impacts to their supply chain continue to be felt. There are several situations C.H. Robinson would like to make shippers aware of related to ports and drayage.

  • Overall port volumes by TEU are similar to the 2018-2019 pre-pandemic period
  • U.S. East Coast ports are seeing a downturn in volume due to rerouting vessels to the US West Coast and will result in ongoing blank sailings through Q1, if not longer.
  • Delays and transit time increases could result in vessel bunching which causes congestion at the ports and added constraints on both equipment and driver capacity to meet demand
  • While U.S. West Coast ports are seeing slight increases, there was no inbound spike leading into the Lunar New Year, which means demand is still slow to return into the U.S. from the ocean side
  • Fewer vessels arriving into U.S. ports due to lower demand, delayed arrivals and blank sailings is causing an increase of empty containers dwelling in port and rail terminals
  • The equipment imbalance also affects Marine Drayage as more empty containers dwelling in port and rail terminals increases shipper risk of Detention and Demurrage fees. The congestion and lack of efficiency negatively affects Marine Drayage driver efficiency and increases both rates and accessorial charges.
  • Some terminals in L.A./Long Beach are already limiting the number of available return drayage appointments in a given day, which causes increased chassis charges and storage. As empty container volumes at the ports increase, more restrictions will be enforced to prevent overcrowding at the terminals.
Domestic U.S. surface transportation

At this point, C.H. Robinson does not anticipate domestic surface transportation disruptions in Q1 due to the Red Sea and Panama Canal situations. Overall, the truckload marketplace remains over-supplied without any near-term increase in demand that would create pressure on the market. The largest challenge could be on localised drayage levels in the West Coast as mentioned above. Intermodal capacity also remains in a state of over-supply with units available to return to service to adjust to market dynamics when needed.

Long-term (Q2 and beyond)

The situations in the Red Sea and Panama Canal are very fluid, changing by the week. Should challenges persist throughout the year with both the Red Sea and Panama Canal, we anticipate changes and roll outs will be slow. With economic forecasts anticipating muted growth in 2024, we do not anticipate the level of disruption experienced during the pandemic period.

However, there are factors that we would encourage shippers to consider in their scenario planning and strategy creation.

  • A wave of new ocean vessel capacity that began entering the market in Q4 2023 will continue into 2024. The vessels are mainly expected to be added to the Asia trades, which will further widen the gap between capacity and demand. However, if this capacity is fully absorbed by the vessel diversions through the Cape of Good Hope, the impact of this new infusion of capacity could be fully neutralised. 
  • The domestic U.S. surface transportation market, particularly in truckload, is anticipated to begin tightening in the second half of 2024 as the market finds balance primarily driven by capacity exits, see our truckload trends and forecast section for more details. This capacity tightening will be experienced differently across various regions, but particularly in California as produce season begins in late spring and summer. Shippers should keep this in mind as they consider changing from East Coast ports to West Coast ports.
  • Shippers should make decisions based on the total cost and total transit of a global order before adjusting a transportation plan. Switching from an U.S. East Coast port to an U.S. West Coast port after Q2 may improve the ocean transit time but could increase the total transit time and associated costs due to inland drayage and over the road trucking. As truckload delivery rates are expected to increase in the second half of 2024, shippers should not anticipate that the rate out of California they can procure in Q1 will be the same rate they will procure in Q3.
  • Intermodal market dynamics historically follow truckload. Therefore, including intermodal as a strategy integrated into your supply chain creates the ability to secure capacity that can lead to a smoothing of predictability as the market transitions into the next cycle. 
  • From a Marine Drayage lens, the threat of equipment shortages and vessel bunching could bring back concerns about container dwell and detention/chassis accruals at elevated levels.

To learn more about the direct or indirect impacts to your supply chain, please connect with your C.H. Robinson representative. You can also sign up to receive timely updates via our Client Advisories.

North American Freight Market Insights | C.H. Robinson

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U.S. Truckload Trends and Forecasts

Capacity trends

Dry van LTR (load:truck ratio)

The winter weather storms inflated the LTR for a few weeks in January, but the market has loosened in recent weeks since the storms have passed. Week 6 shows a LTR of 1.4:1 as compared to the 5-year average of 3.5:1.

Refrigerated van LTR

The refrigerated spot market TL shows a similar pattern and softness as dry van. Similarly, winter weather storms temporarily caused tightness in January, but that has since subsided. Week 6 shows a LTR of 2.3:1 as compared to the 5-year average of 7.1:1.

Flatbed LTR

The flatbed LTR continues to be historically low, with very little change to that narrative. The weekly ratio has been softening each week this year, despite the winter storm disruptions in January. Week 6 shows a LTR of 6.7 as compared to the 5-year average of 31.1:1.

U.S. spot market forecasts

Our 2024 Dry Van linehaul forecast is being slightly altered from the previously stated 3% y/y to 4% y/y growth. The adjustment here does not reflect any change in our view of the future, but rather, reflects the temporarily elevated costs in January due to the disruption caused by the winter storms. We still predict that most of the first half of the year costs will return back to the low levels experienced in 2H 2023, excluding the last couple weeks of the year, which was inflated due to expected holiday constraints. We don't expect the market to see lasting increases until the back half of 2024, after more carrier supply has exited.


We are estimating the average 2023 linehaul carrier breakeven at $1.65/mile. This breakeven estimate has proven less useful in this down-cycle due to many of the dynamics that we have noted in the past, primarily due to increased cumulative profits amassed by many owner operators during the up-cycle shortly after the pandemic when spot pricing increased significantly. However, it is still important to estimate this breakeven level, even if it differs significantly for different carrier segments, as it does ultimately set the floor for how low rates can go over the medium to long term. While we do not yet know where this breakeven estimate goes in 2024, if we assume it remains flat with 2023 at $1.65/mile, this represents an almost two-fold increase in the annual rate of truckload operating cost inflation from a low 2% CAGR in the 10-year pre-pandemic period to a 4% CAGR from 2020-2024. (The breakeven estimate is a product of ATRI (American Transportation Research Institute) 2022 cost per mile operations cost and our analysis of the first three quarters of 2023 operations costs of public trucklines.)


Our 2024 refrigerated linehaul forecast similarly remains unchanged for the back half of the year, although adjusted to account for the previous winter storm pressures, at 3% y/y growth. We expect the pattern to follow that of the dry van forecast as well, as the dynamics surrounding the temperature-controlled truckload marketplace are the same as those in the dry truckload space.

Contract truckload environment

The contractual landscape has remained relatively unchanged since last month. The contract environment tends to follow the spot environment, so given our forecast above for spot pricing, we don’t see too much change within this space holistically for several months. Although one thing to keep in mind is the duration of said contracts, as longer-term commitments may see different pricing than shorter-term commitments.

Generally speaking, Q4 and Q1 are when the majority of RFP activity happens, as shippers are preparing for the new year. During this time, it is important that shippers segment their freight. Freight characteristics, attributes and geographies make lanes very different from each other and thus a strategic, data-driven approach is essential to determine which lanes should go out to bid in the RFP versus which are better off in the spot market. Talk to your C.H. Robinson account team about how they can help you to utilise this segmentation logic to make the best decisions for your procurement process and avoid costly tender rejections that inevitably will move in the spot market.

Route guide performance

The majority of shippers' freight portfolio are managed through contracted capacity and pricing arrangements. These truckload agreements are most often managed as committed pricing for six or twelve months at defined load volume awards. Most successful executions of these agreements are in Transportation Management Systems (TMS) where loads are tendered to transportation providers. Those tenders are accepted or rejected. Two key metrics are used to discern the success of the truckload award plan. First Tender Acceptance (FTA) is the percentage of tenders awarded to transportation providers that are accepted. Route Guide Depth (RGD) is an indicator of how the back-up transportation provider strategy works if the awarded provider rejects the tender. A robust trucking budget should plan for less than 100% tender acceptance due to the reality of forecasting by the shipper and capacity communities. In today's market, that variance to performance is small and incremental costs for back up strategies are lower than they were in tight years like 2021 and 2018.

The following insights are derived from TMC, a division of C.H. Robinson, which offers a large portfolio of customers across diverse industries throughout the United States.

RGD by U.S. region

The regional view of route guide performance displays a pattern of high performance in all regions. The January North America average RGD average of 1.18 (1 would be perfect performance and 2 would be very poor) is the lowest/best RGD for January in the last seven years. The North American average RGD has shown little variance recently even during the winter storms mid-January, decreasing (improving) 1% m/m and 2% y/y.

Week 6 posts a decreasing national average RGD of 1.20. All regions of the USA experienced similar route guide performance. This view of contract truckload route guides performing exceptionally well is yet another evidentiary point that the truckload market continues its pattern of oversupply.

Overall, route guides are performing very well, with primary service providers accepting loads at pre-pandemic levels and the first backup provider accepting rejected tenders most of the time.

The chart above from TMC, a division of C.H. Robinson, reflects weekly routeing guide depth regionally across North America.

January FTA for North America increased from 89% to 90% y/y

FTA of 90% in January 2024 was better than January 2023 posting of 89% and flat from December 2023, reinforcing that today's market continues to be oversupplied.

January RGD across distance bands 

A stable RGD performance for each of the three delivery distance bands continues. Route guide depth is largely around 1.2 depending on the distance band, with short haul doing the best and medium distance loads showing the most first tender rejection and deepest route guide performance. That said, even the mid and long-haul segments are performing close to the short haul distance band.

January distance band performance (“improved” means better route guide performance and “declined” refers to more backup carrier use):

  • Short haul (less than 400 miles) posted a 1% improvement in performance m/m and improved 2% y/y.
  • Middle distance (400-600 miles) posted a 1% improvement in performance m/m and improved 2% y/y. At 1.21, this is the lowest RGD for January in the last seven years.
  • Long distance (over 600 miles) RGD performance improved 1% m/m and 1% y/y. At 1.2 it is the lowest/best RGD performance for the month of January in the past seven years.

Voice of the carrier from C.H. Robinson

C.H. Robinson has two customer communities, shipper customers and carrier customers. What follows are insights from conversations with carriers of all sizes to offer perspective into their top concerns over the past month. Below is a summary of the recurring themes and a display of some of the variety of market experiences.

Market insights

  • Freight volumes remained constrained, but the high levels of RFPs due to peak bid season provide optimism for later in 2024
  • Carriers are looking to maintain driver headcount and tractors at current levels, retaining the scarce commodity that is truck drivers, but not hiring more until signs of volume growth occur
  • Cutting costs to operate business more efficiently has become an increasing trend as well as finding other streams of revenue where possible i.e. selling off older equipment
  • Carriers feel that we will continue to see capacity exit the marketplace in 2024 which should help to even supply and demand


  • Maintenance costs continue to be an issue, due to low profitability
  • New equipment ordered may differ from expectations, which requires times waiting on parts and in the shop before they can be utilised
  • The price for new trucks has increased, but used truck prices continue to drop


  • Continued sentiment is that drivers are leaving the industry because of the difficulty of being a driver. Drivers also leaving traditional long-haul fleets to pursue more local truck driver positions.
  • Driver sign on bonuses have largely gone away and driver wages have remained flat
  • Carriers attempt to retain their best drivers as attrition occurs

A key value proposition of C.H. Robinson to our contract carriers is aggregating lane volume and demand pattern variability to a more predictable experience. Our carriers have more predictable volume from C.H. Robinson and as a result are interested and able to offer consistent capacity and market pricing with high performance.

Temperature controlled shipping

Muted seasonal trends continue as Q4 progresses
Expect refrigerated spot market pricing to slowly increase into week 47 as perishable consumption peaks for the Thanksgiving holiday. Followed by a lull and rising again to close out the year. This follows typical seasonality for the Temp Control marketplace to the calendar year. We do expect a “muted” holiday season across all geographies. An area of the country that is picking up steam is the Pacific Northwest with commodities such as potatoes, apples, onions, cherries and holiday trees. We expect relief from these seasonal inflection points very early in January 2024. We will continue to provide guidance throughout the remainder of the year as things develop.

Contract refrigerated services RFP's continue to include drop trailer components as shippers are increasingly seeking capacity strategies that will lessen the impact of the eventual upcycle in 2024.


Flatbed markets displaying some balance

All of trucking's service segments have regional variance in capacity and pricing as displayed earlier in this report through the spot market maps from DAT. Today's flatbed market is displaying some balance between loads and trucks in the Pacific Northwest and Gulf Coast regions of the USA.

  • Broadly, the USA flatbed market offers plentiful capacity for spot market and contract capacity strategies.
  • Small fleets are struggling to compete with large flatbed fleets who are taking more freight in the spot market at pricing levels that challenge profitability.
  • Small fleets tend to have securement equipment (set tarp size, special dunnage, coil racks etc.) for very specific verticals. Today's market is not offering the loads that create the cashflow needed to continue investing in and updating this special securement equipment, thus potentially affecting available capacity.
  • Medium-sized fleets (10-200) are looking for any dedicated business they can find to plan out deadhead and avoid the long wait times between loads. Carriers are currently more receptive to project freight in their service areas creating new capacity to project freight shippers.

Winter weather considerations

  • Weather becomes a significant issue in the flatbed market this time of year. Weather can affect driving conditions for all modes but load securement and protection for flatbed can affect capacity.
  • Carriers will typically start to move south or west as the cold weather moves in, to minimise tarping and reduce the risk of exposure when securing loads.
  • Properly securing loads can take additional time to thaw dunnage, tarps or certain straps
  • There is more risk of slip and fall and driver injury while securing or climbing on top of loads to tarp/strap.
  • Increase use for tarps on typically "no tarp" loads as well as equipment like Conestogas and curtain side vans, which can be loaded faster and protected easier. These are in more limited supply or often in regional carriers.
  • Carriers prefer shippers with indoor loading facilities, heated waiting areas etc
  • Most permitted loads (Over Dimensional /Heavy Haul) can only move sunrise to sunset so these loads travel fewer hours per day versus the summer months due to shorter days.

To prepare for weather, you can collaborate with our C.H. Robinson team and talk about the proactive approach we can offer to navigating conditions this time of year.

Cross-border: U.S.—Canada

In contrast to the month-over-month improvement in freight activity during Q4, the Canadian spot market experienced an overall decline in freight activity in December, primarily due to the holiday season. Overall monthly load volumes fell 14% from November and 34% year over year.

Freight move breakdown:

Southbound Loads: down 30 y/y and down 18% m/m
Northbound Loads: down 42% y/y and down 6% m/m
Intra Canada: down 30% y/y and down 16% m/m

Apart from weather-related factors, which have led to slight rate increases typical at present of the year, particularly for western Canada bound freight, the market remains predominantly soft. There’s ample capacity, particularly for southbound movements. The load-to-truck ratio stands at nearly 3 to 1 for outbound freight. Meanwhile, for inbound deliveries, the ratio is approximately 2 to 1 and for intra-Canada transport, it’s around 4 to 1.

C.H. Robinson is the largest cross border provider of truckload transportation. Please seek out your account representative for capacity planning strategies designed to bring the most capacity possible to your supply chain with the greatest price stability.

Cross-border: U.S.—Mexico

In 2023, Mexico became the U.S.'s top trading partner, overtaking China after 15 years. Mexican exports accounted for 15.4% of total U.S. imports. The port of Laredo, Texas, also achieved the top port spot.

The Mexican Institute for Competitiveness (IMCO), an independent research institute, conducted a study on nearshoring's impact on the Mexican economy. The study found that nearshoring is driving new investments, particularly in states like Aguascalientes, Nuevo Leon and Mexico City. Investments tied to nearshoring grew by 47% in 2023, mainly in automotive, manufacturing, pharmaceutical and food & beverage industries.

Despite the increase in investment, the demand for transportation services in these areas has not yet surged. However, with nearshoring's continuing influence, transportation demand is expected to rise, in these areas were investment has increased significantly. With 54.9% of goods transported by road in 2022, the transportation market is likely to tighten as investment grows.

The automotive industry, a major player in transportation, experienced a 14.23% annual increase in production in 2023, with exports rising by 15.19%. Most Mexican automotive exports (89%) head to the North American market.

Highway security remains a concern for carriers. A national transportation strike scheduled for 5 February was averted through government-carrier association negotiations. Three dialogue tables will address road safety, administrative issues and liaisons with local authorities, aiming to mitigate security challenges and prevent disruptions, especially in theft-prone states like Mexico City, Puebla, Querétaro, Nayarit, Jalisco and Guanajuato.

Talk to your C.H. Robinson representative about your deliveries to and from Mexico and leverage our scale, footprint and experience doing business in Mexico.

Diesel Fuel

Retail diesel's national USA average price per gallon of $3.85 in January is down from $3.97 in December and down from the high of $4.56 in September 2023. As depicted in the visual below, created based on the data provided by the EIA, you can see that fuel has recently been near the lowest levels of 2023 until the week of February 5th when the national average surged 21 cents/gallon. This is something to keep an eye on, as the last time fuel jumped this quickly in one week, it continued to increase for several weeks. Crude oil prices increased $2 per barrel m/m to an average of $80 per barrel in January, which is the first monthly increase since September of 2023. The primary reason cited for the increase is due to uncertainty around global oil deliveries due to the Red Sea delivering challenges.

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Intermodal Shipping

TOP STORY: Return of the west

Volume growth holds

Despite a hit from winter weather across the US to start the year, we are seeing volume trending up. So far 2024 has seen a 2.8% y/y growth in IMDL volume. Most analysts expect this volume to continue to grow slowly through 2024. One factor driving this is a recovery at the West Coast ports which saw a 12.5% increase y/y in December, which continues into 2024. The West Coast import volumes were returning, but with continuing issues with the Panama and Suez canals the recovery is being expedited.

While volumes slowly recover across the rest of the nation, there are no capacity-constrained domestic container markets. Drayage and rail capacity is still abundant. As the rails and drayage providers see the volumes grow, the deep discounts we have been seeing are expected to temper throughout the first half of the year.

Pricing prospects

The all in IMDL spot rate continues to be negative YOY. IMDL spot rates are 9% lower than at this point last year. Spot rates are rising slowly with the increased volume, but most analysts don’t expect them to turn positive until the second half of 2024. Contractual rates are normalising and are expected to be flat for 2024. FTR's pricing pressure index projects 0.2% increases for contractual rates in 2024. The rails are still offering capacity in historically capacity deficit markets. Making commitments before the second half of 2024 is critical in markets like southern California and outbound Mexico before the market shifts back to historic norms. Competing service to truckload

Rail transits set a record reaching 94% on time to plan in the first weeks of January. The winter storms we saw are not yet in the data so this will fall a bit next month. Additionally, expedited service options provide savings with similar speeds to over the road in many lanes. The railroads continue to look for unique solutions to get more containers on their networks. As we go through bid season lock in your rates for 2024 or risk a rate increase in the second half of 2024.

Ports and inland transportation

Chassis changes
  • Effective 1st January 2024, Evergreen will no longer include chassis to its customers. Motor carriers must secure chassis on their own for Evergreen containers.
  • Effective 1st January 2024, all import containers arriving at Charlotte Inland Port (CIP) via Queen City Express (QCE) rail service will be grounded. Prior to that date, motor carriers did not need to bring a chassis to pick up containers. Today, motor carriers need to bring a chassis.
  • Effective 1st February 2024, TRAC Intermodal will pull its equipment out of the MCCP chassis pool. They were one of the largest contributors, so with this change we are monitoring MCCP’s continued involvement.
  • The GA Ports has advised that they are experiencing a severe backlogue in Nashville-bound intermodal containers on dock in Savannah. This is due to the weather/ice conditions in Nashville, as well as a shortage of chassis. In the interim, they advise we route intermodal cargo through the ARP ramp in Chatsworth, GA and dray up to the Nashville area from the ARP.
  • We are seeing considerable challenges/congestion at CSX Fairburn in the Atlanta market. With long dwell times which are usually due to inoperable cranes. At times carriers are only able to schedule containers that have been pre-mounted because their drivers cannot sit inactive waiting for a live-mount. There is an increase of rail storage or driver wait time fees as some are sitting up to 5 hours. Similarly, we are seeing challenges at the NS Austell ramp in ATL as carriers continue to work through the new appointment scheduling process for empty terminations and load acquisitions. With containers arriving late on Friday or Saturday with 24-hour free time carriers are not able to get appointments causing an increase in rail storage and demurrage.
  • SSA Marine has reached the halfway point in a $72 million project to expand and modernise the SSA Jacksonville Container Terminal. Six new outbound truck lanes are also currently under construction and scheduled to open this February, with additional improvements to the terminal’s six inbound lanes scheduled for completion in late 2024.
  • While there have not been many issues with port congestion in Norfolk, our carriers are having issues with congestion and getting containers returned at the Pinners Point Empty Container Yard (PPCY). They are also still being challenged with scheduling and appointments due to vessels slipping out.
  • NY/NJ-The cost of goods is high, but customers are looking for aggressive rates. Customers do not understand the cost of maintaining a fleet for example tyres, replacing a tyre with road service is running over $800 to $1000 dollars depending. Due to lower volumes many companies have laid off drivers and this can cause capacity issues.
  • Reports of delays at both PNCT and Maher terminals are causing back-up delays. Drivers are averaging 2 hours on single moves and up to 4 hours for double moves. Many SSLs are requesting to route empty containers to off sight depots which is causing additional delays.
Central/Ohio Valley
  • Cleveland-Ramp fluidity and chassis availability seem to both change day to day, even hour to hour. Hyundai Exports are experiencing rolled bookings due to lack of 20’ equipment.
  • Columbus-Wait time at the rails have returned to a more normal 1-2 hours. Chassis availability still fluctuates week to week depending on train schedules and 20’ chassis are harder to come by. Mounting containers at CSX can take 1-3 hours. Truckers are still reporting issues at the NS of containers arriving but only becoming available on Last Free Date. Flexi chassis are in very short supply.
  • Memphis/Nashville-Motor carriers are reporting that there are very few chassis available in Memphis right now. Our carrier TCW commented that although the DCLI supply at the BNSF shows many chassis available, that it is not what is being found at the site. They shared that the same day they had a driver go to the BNSF and couldn’t find a chassis at all. The IMC depot is having work done on a few lanes into the yard causing some congestion and delays.
  • Chicago-The BNSF and UP G4 have been problematic for carriers lately with 3-4-hour lift times. Carriers believe that the rails are struggling with providing enough labour to service the depots. IMC Logistics shared that UP G4 is sometimes noting containers as available, but the container is actually inaccessible due to being stuck in a stack. Chassis shortages are also occurring due to a lack of good order chassis.
  • Minneapolis/St Louis/Kansas City-There are still some backups from the winter weather and freezing temperatures in the region earlier in the month, but most operations are back to normal capacity. The Minneapolis market has seen an influx of container volumes and longer than usual wait times at both the CP and BN. Carriers are reporting that Kansas City BN trains are dwelling for 1-3 days before being worked causing congestion and delays.
  • Port of Los Angeles-Container volumes are down by 7.07% compared to previous weeks but up by 19.02% compared to 2023, there is currently 9 vessels scheduled to be offloaded this week, average time at berth is 4.1 days which is an improvement from last week. We will see an increase in volumes by 7.91% next week with over 107K TEUs to be processed through this port and YOY increase of 41.18%. Despite of the lower volumes, truckers are still reporting issues with securing appointment slots for container moves.
  • PNW Port of Seattle and Tacoma-Husky Terminal: Husky Terminal has been very strict with appointments in the last few weeks. They prohibit drivers from lining up before their appointment window. Husky will be banning any offenders for two days if caught- both the driver and possibly the trucking company. This has also greatly reduced standby times down from 4-6 hours to maybe 2 hours, but it has been improving each week.
  • WUT Terminal-Has been backed up lately. They are starting to enforce appointments as well. Hopefully, this will reduce standby times akin to what Husky was able to achieve.
  • Terminal 5 and 18-Still open 4 days a week, however our drivers are still in/out fairly quick. Utilising peel piles is increasing output speed and the Terminals desire peel piles as well, so they work with you well even if you only have 5 containers coming in on a vessel. Terminal 18 closes Fridays and Terminal 5 is closed Mondays.

For a full market report on global forwarding, visit the C.H. Robinson Global Freight Market Insights.

Less than Truckload (LTL) Shipping

Electronic bill of lading (eBOL)

As the first third-party logistics provider to adopt a new electronic version of an essential delivery document, C.H. Robinson has advanced the digitisation of the LTL industry by implementing an eBOL with 10 of the top LTL carriers and is in progress with four more. Standards for the eBOL were developed by the NMFTA’s Digital LTL Council, creating greater efficiency and real-time visibility for LTL shippers.

Today, when a driver arrives at a shipper for pickup, the shipper provides the driver with a paper bill of lading (BOL) that is manually labelled with a tracking number (PRO) by the shipper or driver. The BOL is then brought back to the terminal for the carrier to enter all delivery details manually. With eBOL, the need for manual data processing is removed and the potential for exceptions is drastically reduced. Data flows between C.H. Robinson and LTL carriers electronically, allowing for PRO numbers to be assigned within seconds.

This elimination of manual entry reduces errors that could lead to delivery delays, invoicing delays, bill-to corrections or secondary invoices. The automated process provides faster visibility to the tracking of your freight, as a tracking number is generated within seconds of the delivery being tendered to the carrier. This also enables time savings on the dock since shippers will not have to locate carrier PRO books, add PRO stickers to the BOL or wait for the driver to arrive before being able to PRO the freight.

More information on eBOL can be found in this Electronic bill of lading guide. Ask your account team how you can implement eBOL today.

LTL carrier sentiment

The SMC3 Jump Start 2024 conference took place in Atlanta, GA on 22-24 Jan. During this three-day supply chain event, we met with 42 LTL carriers to discuss their expectations of the market that lies ahead of us this year. Numerous carriers shared similarity in their forecasts of 2024 for muted volume growth, with most expecting tonnage the first half of the year to be flat to slightly down on a year over year basis. They also shared similar beliefs that the back half of the year would lead to modest volume growths, noting positive expectation in economic factors and consumer demand. In these conversations, nine carriers commented on their acquisitions of terminals from the Yellow auctions, stating that none of them had any hard timelines on when these newly acquired terminals would be operational. This bolsters our previous assumption that without any near-term expansion in available terminals in the market, there will continue to be pricing pressures due to this supply constraint. Although due to the low tonnage and no demand increase in sight in the short term, these pricing pressures will remain moderate, similar to what we are experiencing in today’s market.

Please contact your C.H. Robinson representative to discuss capacity strategies and customer specific pricing that outperforms today's GRIs.

Parcel Delivery

2024 projections from National carriers are indicative of a continued soft market. Both presented negative revenues in their last earnings call and neither anticipate more positive results until the second half of 2024. The most significant driver of negative profits is the return to pre-pandemic volume levels.

With less packages and less revenue, both FedEx & UPS are working to control their costs. Aside from the announced layoffs, UPS is leaning into more automation within their operations via the usage of AI support. They are also utilising rail services more frequently to save on costs but may result in an increase in transit time. Both carriers are looking into shuttering smaller, less efficient hubs which may affect rural shippers.

To bring in extra revenue, both carriers continue to charge Peak Surcharges beyond peak seasonal volumes. In addition, neither carrier has reinstated the Ground Guaranteed Service Refund option. Service remains a bright spot as both carriers are posting excellent reliability numbers and meeting their commit times on roughly 98% of deliveries.

Government and Regulations

Important freight related legislation passed as part of the National Defence Re-authorisation Act in December that has got little notice from freight industry press. This provision streamlines a unique presidential permitting process that is intended to accelerate the completion of planned bridge and border crossing capacity expansions at Brownsville, Laredo and Eagle Pass, TX. This was a bi-partisan effort by Senator Ted Cruz and Representative Henry Cuellar, both from Texas.

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